It’s been my experience that when mothers have a chance to have their birth story truly heard in combination with the Three Verbal Tools, it makes an amazing difference to how their bodies recover, how their emotions around the challenges integrate and how much more comfortable they are with their babies.
When parents have more information about the effects each birth intervention have on their babies, they are better able to relate with their babies when they are inconsolable or experiencing other challenges.  The Three Verbal Tools are also incredibly helpful once your baby is a toddler, when they may still be showing you the effects birth had on them.
This work is designed not only for immediate healing, but to enhance the bond between you and your baby, setting the stage of trust for the rest of your lives.
Community support is essential for parenting and because the health of one is found in the health of many, you’ll have established a deeper connection by having worked with your listener.  That person or persons will always carry your story with them and know you in a very special way.

In gratitude for your taking the program, you are welcome to a lifetime of free updates.

“Mia’s understanding of how people can interpret their experiences and get stuck in negative self-talk and her approach to working on this was very clear and easy to understand. Her compassion and acceptance came through very well throughout the video series. I would find myself relaxing and finding a calmer place within just by watching the videos.”

“I recommend this program to Moms who are having a difficult time processing their birth experience or feel they experienced a traumatic birth. I think it will help them immensely to re-frame and heal from their experience and allow their child to do the same.”

“The three verbal tools that Mia Kalef introduces in her program are highly relevant and useful in my interactions with my children and for how I hold and remember my own birth experiences. How would it be to view my life through a filter of compassion and allow feelings of regret to surface and honor them without holding on to them? Mia’s gentle guidance allowed me to revisit and heal aspects of my births that I didn’t even know had affected me.”


•  Integrate and soothe the effects your “challenging” or “traumatic” birth has had on you.
•  Help your baby heal the effects of their birth trauma.
•  Enhance the bond between you and your baby, setting the stage of trust for the rest of your lives.
•  Build community support around you in the form of your “supporter” or “listener”.
•  Access to a lifetime of free updates is offered with registration.